Expressions of interest for the current school year can be received during Terms 1-3 of that year, they will be assessed by the Director or nominated supervisor, a place maybe offered for any group that has not exceeded the maximum amount of students per session.  A child can be enrolled to attend just 1 session per week, or alternatively can be enrolled for any amount of sessions, up to the maximum for their age (3 year old groups – 2 sessions, 4 year old groups – 3 sessions per week). 
Expressions of interest open 1st February 12 months prior to child attending ie: 2023 enrolment would be accepted from 1st Feb 2022.  


Following a child being placed on the waiting list, the Director or nominated supervisor will conduct an allocation of places based of a child’s “rating”.
Children will be given a rating following submitting their expression of interest form; Children are given a 1 – priority access, 2 – Local NSW resident, 3 – all others.  Places will be given in this order (1,2 and if places remain 3). The Director or nominated supervisor will then give an offer of enrolment with an enrolment to accept or decline.


A $25 deposit is required, along with the completed enrolment form, birth certificate & immunisation details, to enrol your child.


Click here to fill out the Expression of Interest  Form for Immediate start 2022.

Click here to fill out the Expression of Interest
Form for 2023 Enrolment.


The service will hold an orientation morning in December for children enrolled the following year to be welcomed into the service for a small orientation of the service. Children will meet and greet with their child’s educator and be welcomed to purchase a uniform. Information about the Orientation will be sent out to families when they complete all their enrolments. 


In the first term that your child is enrolled, a $100.00 will be placed onto your account as a Family Contribution Deposit. This has been set up where all families will be invoiced an amount of $25.00 each Term with their fees (eg $100 beginning of the Term 1). If you attend the recommended two working bees and contribute to four fundraisers (2 per semester) for the year, your $100 deposit will be fully reimbursed to you at the end of the year. If you’re unable to contribute to these, then your $100 deposit will be kept as a financial contribution from your family, and you are exempt from the above recommendations.